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Factors to Consider when Choosing a Labrador Puppy

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A Labrador puppy is one of the cutest ever. Getting one seems to be all the rage. If you also wish to get one, you need to learn more about this breed first. It shall need to be fed, taken care of, and such. There are the initial purchasing costs to think of, as well as the more concerning maintenance costs after that.

You can either get a Labrador puppy from a breeder or if your friend has adult ones, they can give you one when there is a litter present.

Before buying a Labrador, or even acquiring it from your friend, you need to keep certain things in mind. You for one, need to be clear on whether you can afford it. This concerns mostly the future expenses in maintaining it. The dog shall need food, a bed, toys and health care. You shall have even more costs in the form of an outdoor dog home, blanket, collar, a grooming brush, or even growing services, waste disposal, lawn care, and other things. The cost of buying the Labrador puppies suddenly seems small.

You also need to decide whether you have time. You have to give a Labrador quality time. This dog hates being left alone. You will have to exercise it daily, train it and ply with it. On average, you need to give it 2 – 3 hours a day. A third of that should be spent on exercises. You also need to train it while still a puppy, to prevent it from acquiring and keeping bad habits. You can make this a family project to ease the pressure off yourself.

You also need to see that you have plenty of space for the Lab puppies. It may be a small and cute puppy, but this breed grows to be one of the biggest dogs. An excellent residence for them is one that has a lawn in it. You need to make sure it can access the outdoors comfortably and safely. Those who live in apartments are therefore not the best people to keep one.

You also need to be prepared for its high shading frequency. There shall be hairs all over the house. They shall also have a strong dog smell. You can use a dog shampoo to manage the smell. They also tend to jump and chew a lot. This is not good for your kids, elders, or furniture. They need chew toys around.

Once you have these things figured out, getting the Labrador puppy shall be an easier decision to make. You shall find this dog to be friendly, loyal, and possessing all the good qualities you want in a pet dog. Click here for more info about dogs: